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spectral radiance中文是什么意思

用"spectral radiance"造句"spectral radiance"怎么读"spectral radiance" in a sentence


  • 光谱辐射高度
  • 光谱辐射率
  • 光谱辐射强度


  • Verification regulation of spectral radiance standard lamps
  • Background spectral radiance
  • Research on measurement of spectral radiance luminance base on hightemperature blackbody
  • This paper is mainly relative to three parameters1 measurement , which are spectral irradiance , spectral radiance and colour temperature . the metrology of these parameters plays an important role in moder war
  • How the spectral irradiance and spectral radiance transfer from outside atmosphere to the instrument , further more , through optical elements of the instrument to the detector of the instrument , finally turn into output electric signals are described
  • For the spectral radiance calibration of solar ultraviolet spectrum monitor , a basc > 4 diffuser is used , and a more accurate calculation for spectral radiance response is given by a integral formula . process of download signal data from solar ultraviolet spectrum monitor on spaceship obtains measurement results of solar ultraviolet spectral irradiance and solar backscatter spectral radiance
    根据太阳紫外光谱监视器的地面标定结果,对从神舟三号上下载的测量数据进行处理获得了地外太阳紫外光谱辐照度和地球大气后向散射光谱辐亮度,与国际上的测量结果对比相对误差在10 %以内。
  • Before 1990 , more than a dozen of overseas nations had founded the standard of spectral irradiance and spectral radiance in succession . the standard of spectral irradiance and spectral radiance in this country founded in 1980s has not met the measurement accuracy required by the research development of national defence
  • In order to realize the measurement of several parameters and broad - band spectrum ( 250nm ~ 3000nm ) on the same standard equipment , we make use of two main light paths . one is to measure spectral radiance , the other is to measure irradiance through integral sphere , translational stage and mirror changing the light path
  • So it is very important to found a higher accuracy standard of spectral irradiance and spectral radiance . the article begins with the conclusion of measurement approaches on spectral irradiance , spectral radiance , colour temperature and blackbody temperature and introduces measurement approach , theory , system and signal measurement technique systematically
用"spectral radiance"造句  


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